Bi-Plate / Gold Finish / Silver Finish Anniversary Coins have the Serenity Prayer on the reverse side.
"God grant me the serenity to accept things I cannot change, courage to change things I can, and wisdom to know the difference."
Our Bi-Plated, Gold Finish and Shiny Silver Finish coins have a durable lacquer topcoat that prevents scratches and helps maintain the original luster.
Size: 1 3/8" diameter
34mm x 2mm
Retail Price Individually priced below.
Bi-Plate Anniversary Coin
Retail Price $8.00 each
Bi-Plate 18 Month Anniversary Coin
Retail Price $8.00 each
Gold Finish Guardian Angel Coin
Retail Price $8.00 each
Silver Finish Guardian Angel Coin
Retail Price $8.00 each
Bill & Bob Gold Finish
Anniversary Coin
Retail Price $8.00 each
Gold Finish Anniversary Coin
Retail Price $8.00 each
CALL: 877-518-3868
FAX: 855-518-3868
R E C O V E R Y A C C E N T S , I N C
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